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Computer Science Principles Portal - Millikan High School

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Saved by Jeff Creamer
on April 13, 2014 at 9:18:08 pm
Agenda for Monday, April 14, 2014 ic128.png 300

Content Objectives → Weeks 19-30

Sandbox | PD Clip Art | Hour of Code

Class Pride (Champs) Week 29












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Class Pride (Champs) Week 28












SchoolLoop   Quizzes  Notebook Checks  TypingClub  CHAMPS


Today’s Learning Targets (Can You Master Them?)

• Understand:  Copyright law protects writers and people who create original art and music, by making it possible for them to earn a living.

• Know:  These terms:  duration, exclusive rights, license, royalties, infringement, fair use, civil and criminal penalties, work for hire, derivative work, parody, intellectual property, trademark, patent, notice, plagiarism, sound recording, performing rights organizations.

• Know:  Even if no copyright is technically infringed, adults lose their jobs and students get expelled for plagiarism, which is dishonorable.

• Do:  Explain why it is fair or unfair, in your opinion, that courts award the copyright in a work for hire to the employer.

• Understand:  If you can write directions for a computer, you'll get particular respect.

• Know:  These terms:  JavaScript, BASIC, code, programmer, program, event, run, execute, repeat block, algorithm, flowchart, computer science.

• Do:  Complete the 20 fun challenges in the Hour of Code.
• Do:  Copy the JavaScript for Hour of Code Challenges 9 and 20 to your Notebook.

• Do:  Create your own "Flappy Bird" game.  Post your high score and code blocks on your website.

• Understand:  Everyone on the planet is a World Citizen in ways they have never been before, thanks to the internet.

• Know:  These terms:  currency, dollar, yen, pound sterling, euro, culture, international, translation, grammar, syntax, etiquette, machine learning.

• Know:  Google's "IN" keyword makes it easy to convert between currencies or units of measure.

• Know:  Google Maps and StreetView bring the world to your palm or desktop.

• Do:  Use Google Translate to translate messages in English to and from various foreign languages.

• Do:  Use the Google "IN" keyword to do at least 20 types of conversions.

• Do:  Use StreetView to look at places of interest around the world (including your own house).


1 min      Log into your iMac (9-digit student ID + birthday) 1 min

              Log into SchoolLoop and check your grades.


7 min    Add today's new Slide to your Notebook:

             198 Works Made For Hire


10 min   Work today's new Quiz:

              Q24 Code Part A


Due:     Take this direct link to make your Flappy Bird Game.

             Work through the 10 Puzzles and create a Game you

             like.  Then play to get a good score.  Finally make a

             screenshot (using command-shift-4) showing your

             high score and code blocks.  Create a page on your

             website called <Your Name> Flappy Bird Game.

             Add the screenshot to it for 120 pts credit.


Due:      Complete the Hour of Code (directions).

             When you finish Puzzle 9, create a new page 192 in your

             Notebook and copy the JavaScript for Lesson 9 onto it.


             Also when you finish Puzzle 20, create a new page 193

             and your Notebook and copy the JavaScript for Lesson 20

             onto it.


              BRING UP your SchoolLoop scores on screen.

              SHOW WORK (not emails) for credit on assignments.


A.T.A.*  Complete, show to Mr. Creamer, and email if not already done:

             185  Lab Messages Sent To And From Friends

             Q23 Data Security

             NC 11 Notebook Check 03-28-14 

             179 Create A Flex Page

             176 Make Yourself a Graphic Avatar

             171 Create Web Page With Name And Clip Art

             170 Save Three Public Domain Images To Locker

             Q21 Robots, Part A

             Q20 Online Gaming

             NC09 Notebook Check 2-21-14

             128 Lab - Rid Yourself of Unnecessary Paragraph Marks  (key)

             133 Lab - Columns and Pictures  (key)

             142 Lab - Search And Replace In MS-Word

             * = As Time Allows

              If you've got everything else done:
              Have you drawn & saved at least two (2)

              cool Paintbrush images in your Locker?

2 min     Log out and prepare for departure.


             Previous agenda:  04-11-14











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